

All about Autism 

Repetitive behaviours in children with Autism

Restricted interests and repetitive behaviors constitute one of two criteria that define autism in the diagnostic manual for psychiatry What are repetitive behaviors? Scientists categorize repetitive behaviors into two groups. So-called ‘lower-order’ repetitive...

Sleep problems in Autism

A good night’s rest isn’t guaranteed for anyone, but it is downright elusive for many people with autism. Individuals on the spectrum often have trouble falling and staying asleep. And that may worsen certain features of their condition, such as repetitive...

Robots help children with autism improve social skills

Robots help children with autism improve social skills Parents and carers of children with autism often struggle when communicating and interacting with their kids. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often have a striking lack of interest and ability to...

Anxiety, the Amygdala, and Autism

One of the more common and distressing co-occurring mental health issues in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is anxiety. Anxiety disorders are present in at least 50% of people with ASD, and some estimates go as high as 80%. The relationship between anxiety...

Newborn hearing test may enhance early detection

Autism can be challenging to detect, especially in very young children. Research has shown early diagnosis and treatment interventions can lead to better long-term outcomes for autistic people. Because of this, the scientific community is working toward...


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